Applying mycorrhizae to enhance growth of hydroponic vegetables, creates a situation that mimics soil growing. Mycorrhizae are a mutual relationship (symbiotic relationship) between the roots of a plant and mycorrhizal fungi in the soil to enhance the growth of plants. 

Plants benefit from this association through enhanced capability of plant roots to uptake the required nutrients from the soil. The mycorrhizal fungi increases the surface area for the absorption of nutrients by developing branches or hyphae.

So, the benefits of mycorrhizae can also be harnessed in hydroponic growing. Does the water environment affect the efficacy of mycorrhizae? 

How to Use Mycorrhizae for Growing Hydroponic Vegetables?

How to Pronounce Mycorrhizal?


What is the Scientific Name for Mycorrhizal?

Mycorrhiza is itself a scientific name and is derived from the Greek words, ‘mukès’ (fungus) and ‘rhiza’ (root). Whereas, mycorrhizal is an adjective used to describe something related to or associated with mycorrhizae.

Mycorrhiza (plural: mycorrhizae) is a symbiotic association between roots of plants and certain types of fungi. This beneficial relationship benefits both the plant and the fungus. 

Mycorrhizal fungi colonize the root system of plants, thus extending the root’s reach and enhancing its ability to absorb water and essential nutrients, especially phosphorus and micronutrients. 

In return, the plant provides the fungus with carbohydrates produced during photosynthesis.

Types of Mycorrhizae

There are two main types of mycorrhizae which we will discuss in relation to hydroponic gardening, are:

Vesicular Arbuscular Mychorrizae (VAM)

Mycorrhizae to enhance growth of hydroponic vegetables. Endomycorrhizae.

These fungi establish a symbiotic relationship by penetrating into the root cells of host plants, and form clusters of hyphae in the cells of roots and are known as arbuscules. While, vesicles are the globular-like structures that have storage function.

They are highly suitable for a wide range of hydroponic vegetables.


Mycorrhiza to enhance growth of hydroponic vegetables. Ectomycorrhiza.

The ectomycorrhizal fungi form clusters of hyphae around the roots tips. These fungi create a network around the root tips, known as a mycorrhizal sheath.

So, instead of entering the root cells, these fungi create a network of hyphae (or Hartig Net)around the root tips. Therefore, it is called ectomycorrhizal fungi. 

Ectomycorrhizae are more commonly associated with trees and woody plants and are less commonly used in hydroponic systems.

Importance of Using Mycorrhizae for Hydroponic Vegetables

Applying mycorrhizae to hydroponic plants can offer several benefits, including:

a. Enhanced nutrient absorption, particularly phosphorus and micronutrients.

b. Improved water uptake, leading to more resilient plants during drought conditions.

c. Increased root development, which results in healthier and more vigorous growth.

d. Enhanced resistance to soil-borne pathogens and diseases.

e. Improved overall plant health and crop yield.

Selecting the Right Mycorrhizae for Growing Hydroponic Vegetables

Choosing the right mycorrhiza for your hydroponic vegetables is crucial for optimal growth and yield. 

Table: Vegetable Specific Mycorrhizal Fungi & Brands

Hydroponic VegetableRecommended Mycorrhizal FungiPopular Mycorrhizal Brands
TomatoesRhizophagus intraradicesMycoGrow for vegetables, 
Xtreme Gardening Mykos
LettuceFunneliformis mosseae Great White Mycorrhizae, 
Plant Success Great White
PeppersRhizophagus irregularis Root Magic Mycorrhizae, Mycorrhizal Applications Mykos
CucumbersRhizophagus aggregatus MycoBloom, Advanced Nutrients Tarantula
SpinachFunneliformis caledonium MycoGrow for vegetables, 
Xtreme Gardening Mykos
BasilFunneliformis mosseae Great White Mycorrhizae, 
Plant Success Great White
StrawberriesFunneliformis mosseae MycoGrow,
Xtreme Gardening Mykos

How to Apply Mycorrhizae in Hydroponic Growing?

There are various methods to apply mycorrhizae to hydroponic plants:

Root Dipping: 

Before transplanting seedlings into your hydroponic system, dip their roots into a mycorrhizal solution containing the chosen mycorrhizal fungi. This helps establish the symbiotic relationship from the beginning.

Soil Drenching: 

For hybrid hydroponic systems that incorporate a growing medium, you can drench the medium with a mycorrhizal solution, allowing the fungi to colonize the roots as they grow.

Hydroponic Solution Mixing: 

You can mix mycorrhizal inoculants directly into your hydroponic nutrient solution. This method ensures that the mycorrhizae are continuously available to the plants throughout their growth cycle.

Efficacy of Mycorrhizae in Hydroponics vs. Soil

Mycorrhizal fungi have evolved for soil-based environments. But they can still provide benefits in hydroponic systems.

However, the efficacy of mycorrhizal fungi in hydroponics may be influenced by factors such as nutrient availability, the water-based environment, pH levels, and temperature. 

In comparison to traditional soil-based cultivation, mycorrhizae in hydroponics may not exhibit the same level of enhanced nutrient uptake. 

Nevertheless, they can still contribute to healthier and more productive hydroponic plants, making them a valuable addition to hydroponic gardening practices.


What is the root word for mycorrhizal?

Mycorrhiza is itself a scientific name and is derived from the Greek words, ‘mukès’ (fungus) and ‘rhiza’ (root). Whereas, mycorrhizal is an adjective used to describe something related to or associated with mycorrhizae.

What is VAM in biology? | What is the full form of VAM?

VAM is an abbreviation of Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizae or sometimes as Mycorrhizas. VAM is a type of root-fungus association that penetrate the root cells and help plants to uptake nutrients from the soil or hydroponic nutrient solution.

Is mycorrhizal a Biofertilizer?

WE use fertilizer to help plant grow better by providing them with the required nutrients. Mycorrhizal or mycorrhizae are biofertilizers as they are the fungi that help the plants by enhancing the nutrients uptake and thus helping the plant to grow better.


Mycorrhizae are specific fungus-roots associations that help to enhance the nutrient absorption in soil and in hydroponic environment by producing branches or hyphae. These hyphae increase the surface area for the nutrient absorption.

Applying vegetable specific mycorrhizae helps the vegetables to grow better and show increased productivity.

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