Hydroponic microgreens are a potent source of nutrients and minerals with clean produce. These microgreens are a handy and healthy addition to your dishes, making them more appealing. Generally, microgreens get ready in a week or two, so you can use them in your favorite dishes, salads, etc.

They are helpful in weight control, maintaining your blood pressure and diabetes, and keeping heart and diseases at bay. These tiny yet mighty plants stand out for their minimal space requirements, rapid growth cycle, and exceptional nutrient density. They are becoming an essential component of modern urban farming and home gardening.

Why Hydroponic Growing Is Ideal for Microgreens?

Hydroponics is a technique of growing plants without soil. This technique offers a pristine environment for microgreens, eliminating common soil-borne diseases and pests. This soil-less method enhances control over nutrient delivery, allowing microgreens to thrive with optimal nutrient absorption.

The hydroponic approach conserves water, a precious resource, by recirculating it through the system, making it a sustainability champion. Moreover, hydroponics enables year-round cultivation, unaffected by external weather conditions, ensuring a constant supply of fresh microgreens.

Growing Hydroponic Microgreens Indoors: How to Grow Microgreens Without Soil?

keyword: Microgreens. Image shows microgreens in a tray.

Growing hydroponic microgreens at home is simple. Hydroponic microgreens are more cleaner and soil free and just need rinsing with water prior to eating. You can radish, pea, grams etc to grow hydroponically. Just follow the following simple steps:

Soak the Seeds Before Planting: How Long Do You Leave Seeds in Water?

Soak the seeds of microgreens in water for up to 24 hours. It will help the seeds absorb enough water through micropyle, and the seeds will be ready to germinate.

Microgreen Containers: Mushroom Container | Microgreen Growing Trays:

Hydroponic Microgreens. Image showing three trays for growing microgreens.

Selecting a suitable container depends on your usage. If your usage is not much, you can use a mushroom container. But, if your usage is more, I recommend a 20×10 tray for this purpose.

Growing Medium for Hydroponic Microgreens:

Hydroponic Microgreens. Image showing two growing media, coco coir and jute microgreen grow mats

 The suitable growing medium for microgreens can be Coco Coir, Jute Microgreen Grow Mats, etc. If you use a Mushroom Container, I recommend Coco Coir and half-fill the container. After putting in the Coco Coir, press it so the medium gets compact. 

But, if you plan to use a 10×20 tray, I recommend a Jute Microgreen Grow Mats, which are compostable. But you have to cut it in size to fit in the tray. Then, spread the mat.

 Moisten the Medium in the Container:

First, try to press the Coco Coir medium and spray water on it to make it wet. Then, place the seeds on the Coco Coir so they are neither messed up nor far away. For the tray, spray water on the Jute Mat and wait until it gets moist. Then, sprinkle the seeds of the microgreens evenly.

Dark Treatment of the Seeds:

Cover the seeds with a cover to mimic the darkness. The darkness signals to the seeds to initiate enzyme action to start the process of germination. Also, add some weight on the top of the container. Keep it covered for 12-24 hours. After that, remove the weight and cover. You can check whether the growing media is moist; if not moist, sprinkle with water.

Place the Container Near the Light:

Now, the seeds have started germinating with root hairs on the seedlings. Now, place the container near the light, such as a window. Alternatively, you can arrange for LED light too. 

Arrange for Air Circulation:

Arrange so that the fresh air circulates through the microgreens. As they are growing and getting congested, they need fresh air to help them grow better and protect them from mold attacks. Sowing seeds too densely can lead to poor air circulation and competition for light and air. You can use an air blower for this purpose.

How Long Does It Take to Grow Microgreens Hydroponically?

One of the most compelling aspects of hydroponic microgreens is their rapid growth cycle. Depending on the variety, microgreens can be ready to harvest in as little as 7 to 21 days from sowing. Some microgreens may take even longer. This quick turnaround allows for frequent harvesting, providing a steady stream of fresh greens from your home.

Do Hydroponic Microgreens Need Nutrients? | Should Microgreens be Fertilized?

Seeds that we use to grow microgreens are a potent source of nutrients to meet the early growth requirements of the microgreens. Moreover, we grow microgreens to consume them in their early development stages.

The data suggest that growing microgreens on nutrient solution shows no significant growth improvement. Therefore, there is no need to use nutrient solutions or fertilize your microgreens; just water will be enough.


Can you hydroponically grow microgreens? | Is it better to grow microgreens in soil or water?

Making microgreens part of your diet, not only help you get required minerals and nutrients. It also enhances your immunity against cancer etc.
Yes, you can grow microgreens hydroponically, and it is super simple. Rather, I will recommend using hydroponic microgreens instead of growing microgreens in soil. The reason is simple and obvious: you get clean, healthy, and handy microgreens without traces of soil.

How long do hydroponic microgreens take to grow?

7-14 days
Growing hydroponic microgreens generally take 7-14 days to grow. However, it depends on the microgreens you are trying to grow. 

Do microgreens regrow after cutting?

Microgreens don’t grow after cutting. You will have to follow the same procedure to grow the microgreens. 

Can you grow pea microgreens hydroponically?

Yes, you can grow pea microgreens hydroponically. Growing microgreens hydroponically is easier, simpler, faster, and healthier than growing them in soil. 

What microgreens can grow hydroponically?

It is better to grow microgreens hydroponically. They are easy to wash and are more cleaner. You can grow pea, grams, radishes, kale etc are the few.
Another advantage of growing microgreens hydroponically is that they grow faster.

Are hydroponic microgreens healthy?

Yes, hydroponic microgreens are healthy. Hydroponic microgreens do not require any nutrient to grow. Therefore, they are healthy to eat.


Growing microgreens hydroponically is a preferred choice over growing them in the soil. These microgreens are easy to grow, fast to grow and they can be available round the year. They are a potent source of minerals and nutrients that help to develop immunity against diseases.

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