You are planning to grow avocados hydroponically. Growing avocado trees hydroponically indoors is practically quite challenging. 

Avocado plant is a tree that grows well in its natural habitat. Growing it indoors creates several issues, including an issue of space.

In this article we will look into challenges associated with growing it hydroponically. Furthermore, we will also discuss the expectations vs reality related to it. 

Growing avocado in a patio or backyard will be less challenging and will yield expected results with proper management. But not indoors.

It requires extra efforts in growing, monitoring and pruning avocado trees indoors. But in spite of all these efforts one can’t say for sure whether it will bear fruit or otherwise. 

Yes, avocados can be grown hydroponically and reasonably well outdoors. Growing avocados from seeds will take longer than if you plan to grow from graft and it will also fruit earlier.

But  if you are planning to grow it indoors, then it is a labor intensive and patience demanding task. It requires extra efforts in growing, monitoring and pruning avocado trees indoors.

Growing avocados hydroponically is a rewarding process that begins with the germination of an avocado seed. Start by suspending the broad end of the seed in water, keeping the top third above water, and placing it in a warm area with indirect sunlight.

In a few weeks, roots and a sprout will emerge. Meanwhile, set up your hydroponic system, which can be a deep water culture or ebb and flow system, equipped with a nutrient reservoir. Prepare a nutrient solution containing essential elements like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

Once the seedling is a few inches tall and has a healthy root system, transfer it to the hydroponic system, ensuring the roots are in the nutrient solution and the stem and leaves are above. Avocado plants need lots of light, so if natural sunlight is insufficient, use grow lights for about 12-16 hours daily.

Regularly monitor and maintain the pH of the solution between 5.5 and 6.5, changing the solution every two weeks. Prune the plant for size and shape, and keep an eye out for pests or diseases.

Comparatively, starting with cuttings can be faster than seeds as they can root quicker and are already a clone of a mature, fruit-bearing plant. However, cuttings may require more initial care to ensure successful rooting, especially in a hydroponic setup.

Whether from seeds or cuttings, patience is key in hydroponically growing avocados, as it takes several years for the plants to bear fruit.

Despite putting in all these efforts, one cannot definitively ascertain whether they will bear fruit. Consequently, it is essential to delve into the expectations versus reality associated with the endeavor.

Requires Several Years to Grow

In optimal conditions, some avocado varieties might start producing fruit within 3 to 5 years, while others may take longer, up to 10 to 15 years.

Patience is key when growing avocado trees from seed, as they typically have a slow growth rate, especially in the early years. Varieties like Zutano avocado may take 4-5 years to grow and bear fruits.

Space Issues:

Growing avocados indoors creates space issues. Even dwarf varieties of avocados typically grow 8-10 feet tall. This is quite a size for someone living in apartments.

Moreover, its growth habits also create pre planning for selecting the right planter size. Even if growing outside, you may need a Dutch bucket with a capacity of 55 gallons.

Pollination Related Issues:

Avocado plants are X and Y plants, i.e., male and female trees are different. Therefore, in order to help in pollination both X and Y plants should be placed nearby.

Moreover, the timings of pollination of these are also sometimes different. 

Roots Rotting:

It has been observed that keeping avocados in a hydroponic environment for long may cause root rotting. In a hydroponic environment, algal emergence can be another nuisance.

Guide to Solve Issues Related to Grow Avocados Hydroponically

1. Planter Size:

Avocado plant grows 1-2 ft laterally and in height during the first year. Therefore, your planter size should be of this size. However, when its roots become hard and stem sturdy, it demands shifting to the soil. A time will come when you may even need a 55 gallon bucket.

2. Pollination Management:

can avocada grow hydroponically. honey bee pollinating the avocado flower.

You have to grow suitable pollinators hydroponically. A suitable pollinator for Zutano avocado is Hass. Avocados are pollinated by bees. Bees can’t get indoors, so pollination can not happen. 

3. Root Rotting:

Keep Electrical Conductivity values low (0.8-1.2 decisiemens per meter). Moreover, if you see discoloration of roots, like black patches, it’s a sign of root rotting. Check the nutrients level, pH etc.

If they are optimum, then shift it to your patio in an appropriate container with perlite or coco fiber. Preferred method to water would be flood and drain method.

Expectation vs Reality


My hydroponic avocado will grow like a Lucky Bamboo and it will yield fruits.


Growing avocado hydroponically you will have to manage serious challenges. You can keep your avocado indoors for a year or so. But ultimately your avocado will demand transplanting it outside (patio or backyard)

Avocado is a super food. It has several health benefits and the top 5 are:

5. Joint Health and Inflammation:

According to CDC, in the United States, 21.2 % of all adults, or 53.2 million people, have arthritis. The anti-inflammatory properties of avocados are valued by those looking to support joint health and manage inflammation. It becomes particularly more relevant in the context of active lifestyles and aging.

4. Blood Sugar Regulation:

According to the CDC, 38.4 million people have diabetes (11.6% of the US population). This data does not include the prediabetics.

For individuals focused on managing blood sugar levels, avocados offer a low-carbohydrate option with high fiber content, helping stabilize blood sugar levels.

3. Nutrient-Rich Superfood:

Avocados are a nutrient-dense superfood, containing vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Americans appreciate avocados as a source of essential nutrients for overall health and well-being.

2. Weight Management:

can avocado grow hydroponically. avocados for weight loss.

According to CDC, the US obesity prevalence was 41.9% in 2017 – March 2020. (NHANES, 2021). Avocados are valued for their role in weight management. The fiber and healthy fats contribute to a feeling of fullness, aiding in appetite control and weight loss.

1. Heart Health:

According to CDC, about 695,000 people in the United States died from heart disease in 2021—that’s 1 in every 5 deaths. Americans often incorporate avocados into their diet for heart health.

The monounsaturated fats in avocados can help lower bad cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.


Should you keep avocado in the sun?

for ripening
You can keep avocados in the sun for the purpose of ripening. Otherwise, store it in a cool and dark place. Exposure to direct sunlight for extended periods can lead to overripening and loss of quality. To ripen avocados, it’s recommended to keep them at room temperature, and once ripe, they can be refrigerated to slow down further ripening.

How does heat affect avocados?

45 to 55 degrees Fahrenheit (7 to 13 degrees Celsius)
The optimum temperature for storing avocados is around 45 to 55 degrees Fahrenheit (7 to 13 degrees Celsius). This temperature range helps slow down the ripening process and preserves the quality of the fruit. Storing avocados in a cool environment, such as the refrigerator, can extend their shelf life and maintain their freshness.

What is the best climate for an avocado tree?

Warm subtropical to tropical
The best climate for an avocado tree is a warm subtropical to tropical climate. Avocado trees thrive in temperatures between 60°F to 85°F (15°C to 29°C) and are sensitive to frost. They require full sunlight and well-draining soil for optimal growth. Protect them from cold.

How much water does it take to grow a kilo of avocado?

1000 liters-1500 liters (264 gallons – 396 gallons)
The water requirement for growing a kilogram of avocados can vary from species to species, but on average, it takes approximately 1,000 to 1,500 liters of water. This estimate considers factors such as climate, soil conditions, and agricultural practices.

Can you grow avocado in AeroGarden?

Yes, avocado can grow in AeroGarden. It’s simple and easy. Even if you are beginner, you can use AeroGarden tabletop for growing Avocado seeds.


Hobbyists and health conscious people are thinking of growing avocados hydroponically. Can avocados grow hydroponically? Well, growing avocados indoors is possible in a limited way. Growing avocados indoors hydroponically is possible in a limited way due to the specific challenges associated with the plant’s growth habits and environmental requirements. Though it grows well outdoors in hydroponic environment.

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