Can You Transplant Hydroponic Plants To Soil? : Avoid Transplant Shock

Can you transplant hydroponic plants to soil? Some hydroponic plants can be transplanted into soil easily than others. The need for transplanting hydroponic plants to soil arises due to many reasons, like: expanding growth options, to accustom hydroponic plants to natural environment, to promote soil specific nutrient uptake and to sustain soil gardening. But it’s […]

Best Vegetables to Grow Hydroponically

Best vegetables to grow hydroponically in 2024

Most Americans buy vegetables from the nearby grocery stores. The top 5 most liked vegetables include from Asparagus to Broccoli. These are the vegetables that can also grow hydroponically. But, it’s important to know that instead of buying these vegetables from the nearby grocery store, grow them hydroponically in your homes and save a few […]

Can Avocados Grow Hydroponically?


You are planning to grow avocados hydroponically. Growing avocado trees hydroponically indoors is practically quite challenging.  Avocado plant is a tree that grows well in its natural habitat. Growing it indoors creates several issues, including an issue of space. In this article we will look into challenges associated with growing it hydroponically. Furthermore, we will […]

Growing Tomatoes Hydroponically: A Comprehensive Guide

Growing Tomatoes Hydroponically is a suitable alternative to growing them in soil. In the same context, a looming question is: How long does it take to grow tomatoes hydroponically? This in-depth guide covers each crucial aspect, from growth stages to indoors cultivation tips.  How to Grow Hydroponic Tomatoes? Use healthy tomato seeds for growing Hydroponic […]

Electrical Conductivity (EC) & pH: A Guide for Hydroponic Vegetables

Electrical Conductivity (EC) and pH play a vital role in growing vegetables in Hydroponic environment. Hydroponic is a technique of growing plants in a water environment. In this situation, the optimum nutrient absorption attracts much attention. This article offers insights into EC and pH and their role in nutrient uptake. EC integrates with pH to […]

Can Bamboo Be Grown Hydroponically? A Simplest Guide

Can Bamboo be grown hydroponically. Lucky bamboo with twisted stms.

Can Bamboo be grown hydroponically? The answer is yes. Not all Bamboos can grow in hydroponics. Lucky Bamboo is not a real Bamboo. However, it has an aesthetic value. In addition, it also has a lost cost of maintenance if you want a bamboo with an aesthetic touch, adaptability and low maintenance cost then Lucky […]