Why Hydroponics is Bad?

why is hydroponics bad, hydroponic lettuce.

Why hydroponics is bad? It is a common question people ask me when I discuss hydroponics. Hydroponics is gaining popularity daily, but some people still need clarification. It’s a matter of perception; let’s consider these perceptions individually and their realities. Is Hydroponics Safe? Myth: Some doubt the overall safety of hydroponic systems for growing plants. Debunking: […]

How to Grow Hibiscus in Hydroponics?

How to Grow Hibiscus in Hydroponics, featured image of hibiscus flowers

How to grow Hibiscus in Hydroponics? You can grow Hibiscus hydroponically.  Enthusiasts and gardeners grow this plant due to its beautiful flowers of different colors.  Apart from its beauty, Hibiscus is used for various ailments.  How to Root Hibiscus in Water? Hibiscus also roots in a water environment. However, it’s better to start growing Hibiscus […]

Can You Transplant Hydroponic Basil to Soil?

Can hydroponic basil transplant to soil_featured image

Can you transplant hydroponic Basil to soil? The answer is yes to it. But this process is often intriguing to garden enthusiasts and it requires precise steps to follow and exact conditions to meet to ensure successful transplantation. From identifying the right stage for transplanting seedlings to managing post-transplant care, each aspect plays a crucial […]

10 Best Air Purifying Plants For Hydroponic Growing

10 best air purifying plants for hydroponic growing, lavender flowers

We have selected 10 Best air purifying plants for hydroponic growing. These indoor plants have their own attractions. But many people grow these indoor plants for their air purifying abilities. Best air purifying plants for hydroponic growing have lush green foliage, aesthetic appeal and air-purifying capabilities, they also possess potential mood-enhancing properties. NASA conducted a […]

Mycorrhizae for Hydroponic Vegetables

Applying mycorrhizae to enhance growth of hydroponic vegetables, creates a situation that mimics soil growing. Mycorrhizae are a mutual relationship (symbiotic relationship) between the roots of a plant and mycorrhizal fungi in the soil to enhance the growth of plants.  Plants benefit from this association through enhanced capability of plant roots to uptake the required […]

Can Hydrangeas Be Grown Hydroponically? And Endless Summer?

can hydrangeas be grown hydroponically. blue hydrangeas

Can Hydrangeas be grown hydroponically? Yes, you can grow Hydrangea hydroponically. Growing Hydrangea indoor and hydroponically is a fun for growers. Hydrangea prefers 65-70°F (18-21°C). Humidity is key too – aim for about 60%. When you have to transplant your Hydroponic Hydrangea, the optimum time to transplant Hydroponic Hydrangea is when the temperatures are not […]