Hydroponic Mint: How to Grow?

keyword: hydroponic mint, image showing a growing hydroponic mint

Why not try growing hydroponic mint in your kitchen? It’s possible to grow mint conveniently in your kitchen. Afterall mint is famous for its refreshing aroma and versatile flavor. Hydroponic cultivation of mint offers numerous benefits as it allows you to harness its culinary and medicinal properties with ease.  Mint Plant? Mint Plant belongs to […]

10 Best Herbs for Hydroponics: Hydroponic Herb Garden

10 best herbs for hydroponics. Image showing basil and rosemary leaves.

Here I’ll provide you a list of best hydroponic herbs for your indoor garden. Because people often ask me a question: what are the best herbs for hydroponics? My answer is always the same, i.e. the herbs that you use very often in your kitchen. Hydroponics in gardening has taken a futuristic leap and has […]

Hydroponic Microgreens: Queries Answered

keyword: Hydroponic microgreens. Image: a container with hydroponic microgreens

Hydroponic microgreens are a potent source of nutrients and minerals with clean produce. These microgreens are a handy and healthy addition to your dishes, making them more appealing. Generally, microgreens get ready in a week or two, so you can use them in your favorite dishes, salads, etc. They are helpful in weight control, maintaining […]

Hydroponic Tulips Care After Bloom: An Easy Way

Hydroponic tulips care after bloom. tulip flowers in a wrap.

How to take care of your hydroponic tulips after they bloom, depend on your goal. You can take care of your hydroponic tulips in two ways. First, you may want to transplant bulbs of your hydroponic tulips, and second, you may want to use these bulbs for growing your tulips hydroponically. We will discuss both […]

Aquaponics vs Hydroponics: Similarities & Differences

aquaponics vs hydroponics two systems

When discussing Aquaponics vs Hydroponics, the first question that comes to mind is: Are Hydroponics and aquaponics the same? Whether you’re a budding gardener or just curious, this exploration is for you. Hydroponics involves growing plants in a soilless medium, while aquaponics involves raising fish in a hydroponic environment. Both have some similarities and differences. […]

How to Save Money with Top 5 Hydroponic Plants List in 2024


Money saving hydroponic plants, like, Basil, Tomatoes, Strawberries, Lettuce and Bell Peppers, can help your wallet in 2024. An increasing inflation and rise in gas prices is putting squeezing our wallets. Growing your own hydroponic vegetables at home can help you save some money. Growing hydroponic crops not only save you some bucks, but can […]