Our changing lifestyles are pushing our dietary habits to evolve further and therefore, now we prefer organic produce over traditional one. So, the simplest answer to the question ‘are hydroponic strawberries really organic?’ in the light of USDA, hydroponic strawberries are not organic.

Hydroponic Strawberries are the Strawberries that grow in soil-less environment. This soil-less environment is generally water, i.e., Hydroponic Strawberries grow in water. These strawberries can grow in a hydroponic system or in DIY. The roots of these strawberries are dipped in water and wherein they are supplemented with nutrients in liquid form.

A special attention is paid to factors like light, pH, EC, Temperature to get maximum yield. It grows the whole year.

Whereas, Strawberries growing in soil, receive all the nutrients through soil. These strawberries follow a natural pathway to grow. Here the roots of the strawberries interact with soil, microorganisms of the soil in a natural way.

These Strawberries grow in soil-less environment, i.e., water. Nutrients are added to the water and these strawberries receive their nutrients from water.

Hydroponic Strawberries vs Organic

Let’s start with the basic difference. In organic farming, Strawberry plants’ roots are in the soil, while in Hydroponic systems, they thrive in water. Soil provides a platform for natural activity to thrive in a natural ecosystem. 

Hydroponic Strawberries vs Organic: The USDA’s View

USDA outlines specific criteria for labeling produce as organic. Therefore, a plant must thrive in soil for its lifetime, and only organic pesticides and herbicides are allowed.

Hydroponic Fragaria do not meet the criteria of the USDA to label them as organic since they thrive in water and not soil. Therefore, they are not organic. 

Organic Strawberries might look less red and fresh than synthetic ones. After all, organic Strawberries derive their nutrients from organic sources such as compost, manure, and cover crops.

The natural nutrient delivery system is a slow process, but it contributes to soil health by enhancing microbial activity. Mycorrhizal fungi present in the soil enhance nutrients uptake by increasing the surface area for absorption.

In contrast, Hydroponic Fragaria rely on targeted delivery of synthetically formulated nutrients. That’s why they may look fresher and red as they get the right nutrients delivered faster.

Even if the Hydroponic Strawberries are supplied with organic nutrients even then Hydroponic Strawberries can’t be considered organic according to the USDA criteria. 

Hydroponics vs Traditional Farming

Our traditional farming is organic. Growers practicing organic farming replenish the soil nutrients caused by the previous crop by planting other types of plants, such as Soyabean, with specialized roots.

They have bacteria in their roots, which add nitrogen to the soil. Thus, they make up the deficiency naturally. But what about the Hydroponics, which doesn’t use soil at all? Hydroponic Fragaria require a Hydroponic system for growth and nutrient delivery. 

Organic vs Hydroponic: Profit

The USA’s growing season of Organic Strawberries is from March to April. So, you can buy them in the market throughout spring and up to late June or July. However, specific timelines may vary based on local climate and growing conditions.

Hydroponic are available in the market throughout the year. Therefore, commercial Hydroponic Fragaria may generate more profit than the organic ones. 

Best Way to Wash Strawberries

Why to Wash Strawberries?

Strawberries are nature’s candy and washing them is all about removing dirt, little critters, and any unwanted residues.

What You Need for Washing?

i. Cool water (No harsh chemicals)

ii. A trusty Colander or a gentle bowl

iii. A bit of patience.

The Step-by-Step Guide to Berry Brilliance

  1. Washing Strawberries Using Colander

2. Washing Strawberries Using Bowl Bath

The Vinegar Twist

Mix one part vinegar with three parts water, and let your strawberries in this water for few minutes. It helps reduce bacteria and keeps them fresher for longer. Don’t worry, they won’t smell like a salad!

Drying: The Cherry on Top

After their wash, let your strawberries bask in a soft towel or air dry.


What are the downsides of Hydroponic Strawberries?

Hydroponic Fragaria don’t have same depth in taste, flavor and texture as the Organic ones. However, they may look more fresher.

Are Hydroponic Fragaria better than organic Fragaria?

Yes, Hydroponic Fragaria are better than the Organic ones; the former look more fresh. They are available round the year. However, according to USDA, they are not organic.

Are hydroponic strawberries good or bad?

The organic Strawberries are more textured, rich in depth of flavor and taste. However, supply of tailored nutrient solution during growing can help strawberries to taste better than the organic one.

Are Hydroponic Strawberries GMO-Free?

According to the North Carolina Farm Bureau (2021), no GMO Strawberries are currently available commercially. It may apply to hydroponic Strawberries, too. So, Hydroponic Strawberries are GMO-free. 

What is the pH range for Hydroponic Strawberries? | What is an acceptable pH for Hydroponics?

The acceptable pH range for Hydroponic Strawberries typically falls between 5.5 to 6.5. Maintaining the pH within this range is crucial for optimal plant nutrient uptake.

Are hydroponic strawberries sweet? | Are hydroponic strawberries sweeter?

The sweetness of strawberries depends upon the varieties. Some strawberries are sweeter than others. For example, the Albion Strawberry is the sweetest of all varieties. Moreover, the sweetness of strawberries also depends upon their stage of development and the light they receive.
A fully ripe strawberry is more sweeter than the unripe one. Formulated nutrient supply during hydroponic growing helps increase the flavor of strawberries.

How long does it take for strawberries to grow in hydroponics?

Hydroponic strawberries take 8-12 weeks to bear the sweet and tasty strawberries.


Are hydroponic strawberries really organic and what is the difference in the soil grown and hydroponically grown strawberries. Well, according to USDA, hydroponic strawberries are not organic. Hydroponically grown strawberries don’t meet the criteria outlined by the USDA. Moreover, the growing habitat and ecosystem of the two strawberries is totally different. Organic Strawberries grow in soil where they follow a natural course of growth. Hydroponic Strawberries receive formulated liquid nutrients.

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